Powerhead Assembly:

  1. Attach Pump to Mounting Bracket:

    • Attach the pump part (labeled 'A') to the mounting bracket.
    • Ensure the curved edge lines up with the straight edge, as shown in the image.
  2. Connect Inlet and Outlet Pipework:

    • Connect the inlet and outlet pipework as shown in the image (labeled 'B').
  3. Install the Powerhead in the Aquarium:

    • Insert the powerhead through the hood filtration bay into the aquarium.
    • Ensure the inlet is fully submerged in the aquarium water.
  4. Position the Spray Bar:

    • Place the outlet spray-bar above the filtration bays.
    • Ensure the holes on the spray-bar are facing downwards toward the filter trays.
  5. Connect Power Supply:

    • Connect the powerhead to a power supply.
    • Allow a few minutes for the unit to prime and remove any trapped air.
    • Before closing the filtration bay lid, check the positioning of the spray-bar.

Important: Disconnect the mains electricity before handling or attempting maintenance. Always read and follow the troubleshooting section in the product manual.

How the Pump Functions:

  • The pump pulls water from the bottom of the tank and sends it through the top spray-bar.
  • The water is then dispersed over the filter foams first, before it flows down to the biological media (such as bio balls and ceramic rings).
  • After passing through the biological media, the water travels to the bottom tray, where it flows out of the tank.

Hood Filtration & Media Setup:

  1. Filter Grates Placement:

    • Place the black filter grates at the bottom of the filtration chamber.
    • There should be a small gap between the bottom and grates for water to flow through.
  2. Add Biological Media:

    • Place Bio Balls and Ceramic Rings on top of the grates.
    • Keep the Ceramic Rings in the mesh bag to prevent them from moving around.
    • Let the Bio Balls remain loose.
  3. Connect Flexible Pipe to Spray Bar:

    • Attach the black flexible pipe to the spray bar.
    • Insert the spray bar into the grooves along the top of the filter trays.
  4. Outlet Pipe Placement:

    • The clear pipe is the outlet. It should sit inside the small hole to direct the water out of the tank.
  5. Submerge Pump and Position Venturi Pipe:

    • Place the pump inside the cradle, ensuring it is fully submerged in the tank water.
    • The venturi pipe can sit outside the hole in the back and extend outside the tank.