Before you begin searching for a leak, it's important to determine whether the issue is related to the pond liner, outer walls, or pond filtration and external equipment. Once you've identified that the leak is linked to the pond liner or outer walls, you can start troubleshooting.
Note: We do not recommend turning off the filtration system during hot summer days or cold winter days as this may negatively affect your pond's ecosystem.
Step-by-Step Leak Detection Process
Step 1:
Turn off all running equipment in your pond and fill the pond to its maximum water level. Make a note of the water level at this point.
Step 2:
Leave the pond for 24 hours and observe if the water level drops. If the water level has dropped, mark the liner at this new level and note the amount that has dropped. Leave the pond for another 24 hours and repeat the process until the water level stabilises and doesn’t drop further.
Note: If the water level doesn't drop, this indicates that the water is leaking from your filtration system or other pond equipment.
Step 3:
Once the water level stabilises, turn your filtration system back on and mark the new waterline.
Note: Depending on your pond’s volume, the water level may drop slightly when the filtration is turned back on. This is normal, as some water will be retained in the filtration system.
Step 4:
Once you have identified the level where the water drops, inspect the liner or outer pond walls at this level for any rips or tears. Mark any damaged areas you find. Continue inspecting the visible areas of the pond above the waterline for other potential damage.
Step 5:
If you have a patch repair kit already, you can begin repairing the damaged area.
For multiple smaller damaged areas, you can cut your patch kit into smaller pieces to repair them individually.
Note: Ensure each patch is at least 5cm bigger than the damaged area to allow for flexibility as the liner adjusts over time.
Tip: After placing the patch, apply aquarium/pond-safe silicone around the edges to create a complete seal. This will provide flexibility and prevent the leak from recurring.