Knowing the water volume in your pond is essential for selecting the correct equipment, maintaining a healthy environment for aquatic life, and ensuring accurate dosing when adding treatments.

Follow this simple method to calculate your pond’s water volume.

Pond Water Volume Calculation (Litres)

  1. Measure the Length, Width, and Depth of your pond in meters.
  2. If your pond has an irregular shape, take the average measurement for each dimension.
  3. Use the following formula to calculate the total water volume:

Length (m) × Width (m) × Depth (m) × 1000 = Total Litres

Example Calculation

For a pond measuring:

  • Length: 3m
  • Width: 5m
  • Depth: 1m

3 × 5 × 1 × 1000 = 15,000 Litres

For further guidance, refer to our pond volume chart attachment, which includes different pond depths to help you determine your water volume accurately.